fredag 24 juli 2015

A past life regression; "God is always with you", from the Albigensian crusade

Past life regression, (according to Wikipedia) " a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting...". 

I´ve practised and studied Past life regression techinques since 2008 under the guidance of Jörgen Sundvall, Hypnoanalyst and Past life therapist   at the Swedish Institute for Ethic and Analytic therapy, SSEAH . 

Wheather you can prove it or not is open to debate e.g. se  but my personal belief is that we humans - just like cats - have multiple lifes. 

And I know, from personal experience, that it can make profound changes in peoples lifes to re-experience and integrate memories from previous lifetimes; furthermore the experience of the transcendense of life and death, and the experience of the soul inbetween lifetimes adds an extra spiritual dimension to these techinques. These techiques are part of what is called Transpersonal psychology, transcending the ego.

So if you´re an openminded person, not bound down by the Scientific liturgy, you are in for an exciting experience. What follows is a transcript from a Past Life Regression that deals with the so called Albigensian Crusade in twelfth century Languedoc, southern France. 

First some notes on the historical background:

The Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1229) was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism (heresy) in Languedoc, in the south of France. The Crusade was prosecuted primarily by the French crown and promptly took on a political flavour, resulting in not only a significant reduction in the number of practising Cathars but also a realignment of the County of Toulouse, bringing it into the sphere of the French crown and diminishing the distinct regional culture and high level of influence of the Counts of Barcelona.

Before the Crusade the southen region of France was more influenced by the Mediterranian culture of Spain (Catalonien) and Italy and in most respects quite distinct from the culture of Northern France.
The medieval Christian sect of the Cathars, against whom the crusade was directed, originated from a reform movement within the Bogomil churches of Dalmatia and Bulgaria calling for a return to the Christian message of perfection, poverty and preaching.

Their theology was basically dualist.They became known as the Albigensians, because there were many adherents in the city of Albi and the surrounding area in the 12th and 13th centuries. This movement had been spreading quickly in Western Europe during this time, but had been harshly crushed in Germany and Holland. Now it was strongest in Southern France and Italy.

Their priests were called Perfecti and they moved among the common people, just like Jesus did in his time. They were looked upon as merely teachers and often exceptionally holy men, not intermediaris with God like the Catholic priesthood was thought to be. They didn´t need churches to worship and didn´t collect wealth but lived very simply, owning no property. They believed God was everywhere and could be worshiped anwhere in nature.

They were also called "bon homme", / good people /  because they served the people around them and lived not in luxuary as the priests of the Catholic Church. They preached not in Latin but in the common peoples language and befriended all men. They were also vegetarians, pacifists and objected to death penalty. They believed in reincarnation.  Women held an almost equal position in their social Community. Furthermore they existed alongside the Catholic Church of Langedoc for almost 100 years and they were accepted and respected in all classes (before the crusade when the prosecution started). 

During the Albigensian Crusade they were massacred and killed by the thousends, many of them being burnt at the stake without denouncing their faith. In the final battle - the siege of the fortress Montsegur 1244-, the last Cathar stronghold was forced to capitulation. When it fell more than 200 perfecti  perished in a huge pyre built at the foot of the mountain on which it stood.

Through the crusade and the following Inquisitation they were anihilated from the earth forever,     condemned as heresay. They hade the love of the common people in the Laungedoc region; the Catholic church needed armies and Inquisition to anihilate them. The Inquisitation was instituted during the aftermath of the crusade to finish the work of the crusading army. 

There was also some reform in the Catholic chruch due to the Cathars; the different Mendicant (begger) orders (Dominikan- Franciskan- Karmelit- samt Augustineremiternas orden.) : religious orders which depend directly on charity for their livelihood. Christian mendicant orders, in principle, do not own property, either individually or collectively  believing that they are thereby copying the way of life followed by Jesus. Some of these were almost blueprint copies of the Cathars Perfecti. 

The techinque of a Past life regression.

In a past life regression, you are after an initial tranceinducement asked to position yourself bodily in a previous lifetime. Usually you will find yourself in some kind of important situation or course of event in this lifetime. After going through this event you will be led furhter on to other important situations in, and finally til your death in this life.

After passing through your death you end up in a the spiritual realm were you can draw conclusions and learn lessons from the life you just experienced. You may also experience all kind of spiritual connections with deities or have divine insights.

From this spiritual viewpoint you can give advice and convey guidance to the person you are today, and you can have a deeper understanding of your present personality and life. Many times you will find the roots of present problems in your past lifes.

In this story there is a profound insight in store from the spiritual sphere to the present me-person, an insight that I will always cherish and never, ever forget.

"God is always with you"

 I love knights. I see a picture of a Knight,. I only know that I love knights so much, I want to be a knight, I admire them enormously. I want to go home too, I want to go home, I am homesick...

I see a knight standing alone before God, and pray to God, to serve God. I want to serve God as a knight. I want to serve God. I stand on a hill, it is a very beautiful sunset and I'm all alone with God and the magnificent view. I stand and bow before God, hold the sword straight down with the tip toward the ground, holding the sword, goint down on my knees, praying.

Those are my two dreams in life;  to serve God and to be a knight. I am a knight, and I serve God, that's all that matters to me. It means everything to me, it means everything ... Nothing just that. I feel God's presence.

 - Tell me, tell me about it, when you feel God's presence.

 I feel God in all of nature and everything, and in the sky. He is everywhere, in me and before me. And I want to serve him, I want to serve God. I am in the south of France, in the Languedoc. It's beautiful, so beautiful. It's like God's knights, servants of God. Servant of God and God's knight, that's the only thing that matters to me in my life. My love for the knighthood, my love for God. That's all.

But I might end up on the wrong side. There is a conflict between the Pope, the papacy and the God that we have here, or our way of serving God. There is a conflict, I know there is a conflict. The Pope does not accept a part of us that are Cathars. We are side by side here, we live side by side and are just as good Christians, everyone. We all serve God.

But the Pope ... but the Pope ... he thinks the Cathar belief, those who worship in the open air, in nature are wrong. The Pope does not think they are good, he thinks they have wrong ideas. But we who live here, we do not think there is anything wrong. We see it as different manifestations of serving God. One can serve God in different ways. Some serve God in the churches, some serve God out in the open. There are perhaps other differences too, but that's the main difference that I see.

The Pope tries to convert those who worship God in nature, to only worship God in the churches. That's what I see. I worship the God of the mountain. I see God when I look up in the sky, and when I look over the landscape, I feel that God is there. It is the difference that I see it. I can not understand why you can not worship God in nature when he is everywhere ... but maybe they, the priests, wants us only to go to church and worship God. This is where you should be when you worship God. For the priests would lead us, priests want to lead us, that we should be dependent on them constantly. That religion should be only when we are with priests, and when they are reading, preaching and reading the word of God, it is only then we get to worship God.

I can not understand why we can not worship God in the world. I love God just as much as those who adore him in the churches. I can go to the church too, there is nothing strange about it, but we have priests also who are like Jesus. They are barefoot, they are barefoot priests, moving among us people, not just sitting in their churches.

I like it, it feels closer to Jesus, that they are with us people, out there with us, mingling with us. They mix with us, I like it. That's how it is. But the Pope sends legacies, priests, to tell us that we should only worship God in the churches, and just to go to the Catholic priests in the churches. He says it is a sin to worship God as we do, he says it is a sin, they say that it is a sin, it is not what the church wants.

I do not understand why we can not be part of the church, I think we are part of the church, we just make it in a little more free and different way. We just do it more freely ... (crying). We will only make it more free. We just want to worship God in nature, meet God in nature, and have our priests out among us, and not just in church. I like it, that they are with us. They say it's a shame ... (crying). ...

There are many among us who think they can do so, there is nothing strange. I do not understand why the Pope did not let us worship God in nature. I can not understand, I do not understand, I do not understand why the Pope forbids us what is beautiful and fine ... beautiful (crying a long time ...)

 He says it is a sin to meet God there. He says it is idolatry, which is the worship of nature spirits, as unchristian pagans who worship nature gods, but we worship the same God, just in a little different way ... The Pope wants to start a crusade against us, I can´t believe it.

I am a knight. God's knight but not a crusader. I am a knight dedicated to God. ... It is the exodus from the city, the castle is situated on a height. The Crusaders have besieged us, but we may make leave, we as knights get safe passage from there, due to our Duke is Catholic and he gets free passage out of town. It is mixed Catholics and Cathars left in the city.

We may leave, there it´s an exodus. I can only imagine that it is now that I have to go to the French king and try to put a stop to this crusade. I have to get to the French king, try to put a stop to this. You can not send a courier. I have some connections, I am prominent person in some way, might have met the king, he might listen to me.

So I must ride at full gallop to Paris and try to save the town from the siege and stop, stop this. So I think it is. But I must have been caught somewhere along the way before I arrive to Paris. It's like they are waiting for me, they already know that I'm on the road. I walk into a trap. They capture me and I am taken to another castle. It's like they were waiting for me, they must have known in advance that I was going,

They capture me, they throw me into the dungeons without explaining anything. And I'm saying that I must see the king, has an important message to the king. But it is an oral message, I have nothing to show for it. They find no document on me. They say I lie and throw me in a dungeon only. This is where I will feel so alone and be alone, so terribly alone, so alone, so long alone.

And in so much despair that I can not deliver my message. So desperate and so restless, so restless, so restless, because I have such an important message for the king and I can not hand it over. I can not think of any way to escape from prison either, I may not speak to any man and I have no chance to get out of here.

 I'm told much later about all the massacres, about all my people who have been killed. All have been killed, they have killed all and I can not do anything about anything. I just sit there, I can not even die. I just sit and wait to die, but God keeps me alive and that's what I do not understand, why he keeps me alive. Why he keeps me alive. I can not understand it. I talk to God all the time, I have no one else to talk to, but I do not know if he hears me anymore. He did not hear my prayers, anyway, because I´m left there for eternal times.

I have never received any judgments, never any trial. I'm just a hidden and later a forgotten prisoner. And in the end they know not, prison guards and no one knows why I sit there anymore, because so many years passes so no one knows who I am anymore, or why I´m sitting there. I just sit there, forgotten by the world. Forgotten by God even.

 - Forgotten by God?

 Yes, he does not answer my prayers. He probably has no sense of me sitting there and there is no point in it. God has a meaning to me but I do not know what it is. I think he has a mission for me  that I do not quite understand. I try to trust him, he knows I'm there, he has not forgotten me or abandoned me, it's something I should learn or understand, I just do not understand what?

 - Now that you are there and can not understand, huh, what if you were to open up even more inward and feel in your heart, why are you sitting here, why are you sitting here, how does it benefit you?

Patience is the only thing I can understand. To be patient. Being able to wait. That "the one who waits for something good never waits too long," perhaps. I will be relieved in the end, I just have to be patient, must have patience, patience ...

 - And the relief when does it take place?

 It takes place when I die and become liberated. I die, I die.

 - When you die, in which state of mind do you die?

I am grateful, grateful to God that I may leave this body. I am grateful, I thank God, I thank God ... that my time is to end. I thank God, dear God, he has heard my prayers in the end, he has heard me in the end, he has heard my prayers and rescued me, freed me. I'm grateful, grateful. My God, I am grateful that he delivers me from this.

 I think that when I was in the beginning as a Knight before God on a mountain and when I knelt down before the whole world and God, it was exactly the opposite of sitting in a dungeon enclosed. So much easier to see God in nature than in a burrow in the ground, in the ground, that I kept God kept my faith in God all the time, though I despaired as my faith has remained so that I finally thank God, thank God .

I thank God that I have experienced two such huge contrasts. To stand as knight before the whole world, and to sit as a prisoner in a burrow in the ground, two extremes, extreme forms of life, God is in both places. God is everywhere.

I was put tried, perhaps tested, but I did not give up my faith. I never gave up my God ... God is happy to take me back, take me back. He's happy that I'm happy to come back and sit at his right hand, to be at his side again. I know that God is happy for me, for me, God is happy for me. He sees me and has seen me all the time and known about me all the time. I have never lost him,

I´ve  never lost God, not lost God, I did not lose God. For he has never lost me. I have always been around. He has always seen me, has always been with me, he has always been with me. God has always been with me. Now I get to sit at his right hand. I'm happy, I'm happy ... (crying in relief) happy ... so happy to be with God. Happy, so happy to be with God.

As the prodigal son, to come home, to come back home to God. As the prodigal son, as the prodigal son ...

 - And that feeling, so what do you bring to Svante?

 That God is always with you. God is always with you, God is always with you in each moment. He has never forgotten you. He is always with you, he has never forgotten you. God is always with you every moment, every second, every moment, God is always by your side.

You are never alone, you're never alone. God is always in your heart. God is always with you. He is in you and around you, everything, everywhere is God. In everything and everywhere is God. There is no loneliness. You can not be alone, you are not alone, you always have God with you. Wherever you go, you always have God with you. Wherever you go, you are always where you are, always where you are, and God is always with you.

Do not be afraid, do not despair, God is with you.

 - Back to that feeling of God's presence in you, let yourself be filled by the feeling, weather it is as a knight on a mountain top or if it is towards the end in the dungeon. Being filled with God, God's presence, to fill you completely ... there is no loneliness.

I want to say one thing to Svante. That you may forget God, but God never forgets for a moment, God is always with you even if you forget, God never forgets, he is always within. - God never forgets, he is always with you ...

 Recorded by Svante Stål 2015-06-04

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